Hard Connection – High-end Tasteful
Front-end Convenient Maintenance
Cabinet Size: 600*337.5mm/16:9 Ratio
Compatible with 300*168.75mm Module
Med 3 års garanti og 5% reservedele
● Plug-and-play front maintenance design for receiver cards, HUB cards, and power supplies eliminates the need for additional power cords and ribbon cables;
● Magnetic led modules, combined with electric vacuum suction cups, enable quick replacements in just 3 seconds.
● Carefully crafted with high-precision aluminum cabinets measuring 600*337.5mm, with a 16:9 aspect ratio, making it a perfect alternative to LCD displays;
● Super-lightweight design, weighing only 5.5 kilograms, easy to carry and install, reducing transportation costs and installation complexity.

● Indoor: 450-800 nits;
● Giver tilstrækkelig lysstyrke til at balancere skærmens synlighed og publikums visuelle komfort;
● Nyd begivenheden uden at blive distraheret af stærkt lys.

● Med 3840Hz høj opdateringshastighed IC;
● Various specifications with fine pixel pitch;
● Top choice for high-end indoor led displays.

● Pixel: P0.93, P1.25, P1.56, P1.87;
● Resolutions: 640*360, 480*270, 384*216, 320*180;
● Forskellige opløsninger imødekommer forskellige synsafstande/visuelle oplevelser.
● Featuring high-quality standard size led modules (300*168.75mm), supporting intelligent settings, data storage for calibration, module temperature and voltage detection, point-to-point calibration, and more;
● Delivering high-definition video quality and precise smd led matching for excellent color reproduction and gamut, with lower power consumption and cost savings compared to traditional video projectors.
● High refresh rate guarantees stable dynamic display effects, ensuring smooth and consistent visuals on the screen for an optimal viewing experience;
● High grayscale ensures a more comfortable visual experience by providing smoother transitions and finer details on the screen, enhancing overall image quality.
● Crafted with precision aluminum cabinet frames, featuring quick-lock mechanisms and simple internal wiring, providing audiences with a seamless and exceptional visual experience on the ultra-smooth led display;
● The fully enclosed design ensures relative safety, with direct wall mounting to reduce gaps with the wall, meeting space constraints or thickness requirements.
● Vi tilbyder 3 års gratis garanti og 5% reservedele;
● Vores produkter overholder CE- og RoHS-certificeringskravene;
● Alle paneler leveres med ubegrænset teknisk support, hvilket sikrer tillid og ro i sindet i din investering.

● Forbedring af kontrastforhold omfattende, uden besvær at skabe FHD, 2K, 4K, 8K og 16K videovægge, der præsenterer de mest autentiske detaljer og lysstyrkeniveauer i enhver scene;
● Uanset om det er professionelle præsentationer eller underholdning, forbedrer farveforbedringsteknologi farvenøjagtighed og livlighed, hvilket sikrer mere levende og realistiske visuelle effekter; punkt-til-punkt kalibreringsteknologi giver rene billeder med enestående gradienteffekter.

140° ultravid betragtningsvinkel
● Our display module feature a 140° ultra-wide viewing angle, providing consistent and clear visuals from almost any direction.
● Even when viewed from the side, this technology ensures images stay sharp and colors true.
● Perfekt til et stort publikum og varierede siddearrangementer, det forbedrer seeroplevelsen ved at levere billeder af høj kvalitet til alle i rummet.
Pixel Pitch (mm) | P0.93 | P1.25 | P1,56 | P1.87 |
Model | P0.93 | P1.25 | P1,56 | P1.87 |
Pixel konfiguration | MiniLED | SMD1010 | SMD1010 | SMD1515 |
Tæthed (Pixels/㎡) | 1130000 | 640000 | 409600 | 284444 |
Modulopløsning (Pixel) | 320×180 | 240×135 | 192×108 | 160×90 |
Modulstørrelse (mm) | 300×168.75 | 300×168.75 | 300×168.75 | 300×168.75 |
Køretilstand (tjeneste) | 1/60 | 1/60 | 1/64 | 1/45 |
Skab størrelse (mm) | 600×337.5 | 600×337.5 | 600×337.5 | 600×337.5 |
Skabsvægt (KG) | 5.5 | 5.5 | 5.5 | 5.5 |
Lysstyrke (CD/㎡) | 300~800 | 300~800 | 300~800 | 300~800 |
Synsvinkel (°) | 140 | 140 | 140 | 140 |
Grå klasse (bits) | ≥16 | ≥16 | ≥16 | ≥16 |
Drift Power | AC100-240V 50-60Hz | AC100-240V 50-60Hz | AC100-240V 50-60Hz | AC100-240V 50-60Hz |
Maks. Strømforbrug (W/㎡) | ≤ 500 | ≤ 500 | ≤ 500 | ≤ 400 |
Gns. Strømforbrug (W/㎡) | 100~180 | 100~180 | 100~300 | 100~180 |
Rammefrekvens (Hz) | ≥60 | ≥60 | ≥60 | ≥60 |
Opdateringsfrekvens (Hz) | ≥3,840 | ≥3,840 | ≥3,840 | ≥3,840 |
Arbejdstemperatur (ºC) | -10~+60 | -10~+60 | -10~+60 | -10~+60 |
Levetid (timer) | 100,000 | 100,000 | 100,000 | 100,000 |
Beskyttelsesgrad | IP35 | IP35 | IP35 | IP35 |